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Gender Roles in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

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Gender Roles in Society - Essay Example

Girls are encouraged to play with dolls and boys on the contrary engage in activities which suit their gender. “While both mothers and fathers contribute to the gender stereotyping of their children, fathers have been found to reinforce gender stereotypes more often than mothers.� (Ruble, 1988) These were some of the socio-cultural and biological factors which affect gender role development. Sexuality and Sexual Orientation “Sexuality has three stages: Desire is an interest in being sexual. Excitement is the state of arousal that sexual stimulation causes. And orgasm is sexual pleasure's peaking. A sexual disorder occurs when there's a problem in at least one of these stages.� (Sexuality) Sexual orientation refers to the disposition of men towards women and vice-versa. This attraction gets redefined at times when men get attracted towards other men and women get attracted towards other women.